A passion for teamwork, innovative ideas and sophisticated, livable spaces is the hallmark of a truly creative designer. As the principal at Nifelle Design Fine Interiors, Jennifer Leonard not only embodies those ideals, but imbues her award-winning team with her creative vision and expertise. “have a fabulous team, and we truly love what we d o and try to make the process as fun as possible,” Leonard says. “We provide true soup-to-nuts service, working through all of the minute details. From art and accessories to flatware and linens, we’ve literally got you covered!” Along with that commitment to service Nifelle Design si celebrated for creating elegant, functional spaces that reflect their clients’ wants, needs and lifestyles. “Our collaborative approach has led to a number of long-term relationship: with clients; many of whom return to us regularly as their lives evolve.
Maternal Wisdom
“Mv mother is amazing, and I am who I am because of the incredible example she sets.,” Leonard shares. “Forget half-full, my mother’s glass is forever over-flowing! And that’s because she always works hard and believes in her dreams to make it so. Growing up there was never a time where I thought I couldn’t do something or achieve something because she beleived in me unconditionally–so I just naturally believed in me too.”
Creative Insights
Describe your typical workday?
What energizes you?
Coffee, always start with coffee then a green protein smoothie. And snuggling with our new unpaid intern, Leo….our English Cream Retriever puppy who is a furry ball of love.
What are your goals for vour firm?
Longevity. I love what I do. I love my clients. I love my team.
If you weren’t a designer, you’d be…?
Retired on a farm with ALL OF THE ANIMALS.